

If you’re here, it means you care about the quality of wedding toasts worldwide. And that’s right up our alley.

You’ll find all the tools you’ll need for a memorable speech—and we hope you’ll have some fun while you’re here.

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Mapping Out A Memorable Toast

Mapping Out A Memorable Toast Where do I start? It’s such a simple but often debilitating question when approaching a project.  This isn’t limited to only writing a speech/toast, but it applies here FOR SURE. You may have heard the excuses, or even had them creep into your own mind.  Things like: I’ll be starting as soon as things slow down at work I’m not going to force it; I’ll just wait till I’m inspired The wedding isn’t for another month, so I’ll be fine I’m not a good writer It’s not a big deal so what’s the point of putting in effort? If you’ve consumed anything from us before, you know that couple you’re toasting deserves more effort than a last-minute

10 Phrases To Please Avoid Saying During Your Toast, For Everyone’s Sake

10 Phrases To Please Avoid Saying During Your Toast, For Everyone's Sake When it comes to wedding toasts, there are a handful of phrases that have become so common that it's painful to hear them roll off the tongue.  And it’s not the fault of the speaker, necessarily, if they haven’t ever been told otherwise. Renowned sales trainer David (not Adam) Sandler once said something to this effect: “You can’t get mad at someone for doing something you never told them not to do.”  That’s how I feel about the following list. The problem is that these quotes have become crutches to lean on, because they’re commonly repeated, they’re easy to say, and are low hanging fruit when searching for a cheap

Writing the Emotional Toast

Writing the Emotional Toast “You know, someone once told me that... true love is... the soul's recognition of its counterpoint in another. And I think that that's a very rare thing in this world. And I think it's something to be valued.” Yeah, I’m talking about that level of emotionality for your toast. However, I recommend making it authentic to you and not recycled from a movie.  That was Claire (Rachel McAdams) from Wedding Crashers, of course. It was just a movie, but that line saved her ENTIRE maid of honor toast from what began as a biting speech that was a little too far on the side of the roast line. So, back to you.  What you’ve signed up to read

“HELP!” – Your Last Minute Toast

“HELP!” - Your Last Minute Toast If the wedding is less than a week away, and you’re reading this knowing you have to give a toast but have yet to write one word, do me a favor: Take a breath. Okay, now here’s what you can do. At a 30,000 feet above-the-ground view, pretty much every movie follows a similar structure.  Movies (and plays, for that matter) take place in three acts.  In the first act, characters are introduced, a plot or central thesis begins to formulate, and you move toward the meat of the story.  The second act often brings the movie’s main conflict (i.e. a major challenge, a problem that needs solving, a journey, adventure, etc.) and the character(s) set

Full Toast Sample – Mia and Michael’s Wedding

Full Toast Sample (Can You Name The Movie?) You won't find this sample wedding toast in the upcoming book.  It lives as an "outlaw" toast from the publisher, so I decided to include it here in its entirety.  Hope you enjoy it, and perhaps take something helpful away for your next toasting opportunity. P.S. send me a message if you can name the movie.... For Mia and Michael: They say love is blind, and while they both do own glasses, I’d say that in Mia and Michael’s case, love is more…unexpected, a little clumsy, a lot like a fairy tale, and as clearly true as I’ve ever seen between two people. My name is Lilly, Mia’s best friend, and one of the

In Homage to the Bride: How to Heat Up, But Not Burn, Wedding Toasts

In Homage to the Bride: How to Heat Up, But Not Burn, Wedding Toasts By the time the big day arrives, the Bride might think she’s exhausted her list of worries.  Between the bride and groom, they’ve arranged for the transportation, finally finished the guest list (until cousin Ronny brings his buddies for the free alcohol), taken care of the out-of-towners, and finished the bridal party roll call before the ceremony. Everyone is accounted for, though one groomsman is already sweaty and smells like Irish whiskey. And how has a bridesmaid misplaced her flowers within 10 minutes?  Oops, false alarm.  Found them in the ladies’ room. Minor hitches aside, for the first time in months, the bride (and groom) can take a deep breath

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If you’re here, it means you care about the quality of wedding toasts worldwide. And that’s right up our alley.

You’ll find all the tools you’ll need for a memorable speech—and we hope you’ll have some fun while you’re here.

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